Cost Neutral Integrated Marketing Program for

The Challenge

Transition earned media culture and activities causing unpredictable sales and merchandising forecasts to structured, planned & promotional focused marketing activities.

What did we do?

We created an annual promotions calendar leveraging existing consumer shopping patterns and behaviors highlighting appropriate product categories and aligning with specific buyer segments.  Using an integrated approach of email, PPC, display, social content to include video, we developed a consistent rhythm of engagement normalizing daily/weekly/monthly sales while allowing for merchandisers to more effectively plan inventory levels and introduction of new products.


  • Email open rates: 24% increase
  • Email click-thru rates: 322% increase
  • Traffic from email:12% increase per week
  • PPC traffic: 151% increase per week
  • PPC budget optimization: 43% decrease in cost per impression
  • Social posts: 155% increase per week
  • Social engagement: 530% increase per week
  • Traffic from Social: 20% increase per week